Visualize all building spaces and its assets in a single feed
Gain context and
actionable insights
actionable insights
With Facilio, you can view floor and space availability and
track occupancy across portfolio and plan for space constraints
in the future. You can also block any meeting hall with a single
click and while booking include accessories and assets, starting
from furniture to electronics, stationery, and more. Facilio
lets you visualize the full asset lifecycle and understand it’s
real-time status across end uses. It logs all associated
activity of the asset, helps you track current and past usage of
equipment, and stay updated about upcoming renewals or expires.

Ensure productivity and
comfort of every occupant
comfort of every occupant
Improve occupant satisfaction by enabling them to personalize
their experience within the building. For example, when an
occupant determines ambient temperature, Facilio will
automatically trigger a workflow to maintain it. Empower
employees to request services and amenities through portal.
Facilio routes requests from occupants to appropriate teams
automatically and resolves requests faster. Understand how
occupants use the facility so that you can plan and maximize
asset utilization.
Help visitors be at the right
place and right time
place and right time
You can guide visitors by automating all their next steps
through a simple workflow and notifying them through SMS or
email. Facilio lets you integrate directions with an easy to
access Kiosk or an intuitive mobile application that helps
visitors navigate to the desired location precisely. Also,
maximize safety with various touchpoints such as check-in
approval, notifications etc., and monitor every visitor. You can
reduce continuous back and forth between visitors and hosts by
automating each step in the entry process providing both hosts
and visitors seamless experience.

Create occupant-centric workplaces
- ¯Personalized workplace app
- ¯Room and asset booking
- ¯24x7 Help Desk
- ¯Automated service requests
- ¯Occupant feedback
- ¯Secure Watchlist
- ¯Space visualization
- ¯Move management
- ¯Automated Helpdesk
See all features